The heart is a vital organ in the proper functioning of human body. It is, however, number one reason for deaths in the United States, heart diseases kill a significant number of Americans each year and the numbers never come any lower.
There are many ways through which heart diseases can be prevented and managed but few of them are quite simple as they involve an adequate use of nutritional food to manage a healthy lifestyle. It just requires some motivation and courage to make your way towards a healthy heart.
Our heart likes some foods as they give it a proper strength and enhance its ability to work. Here are best healthy heart foods for men.
Make sure you eat them generously to keep your heart healthy.
7 Healthy Foods for Men
1. Oatmeal Health Benefits
Oatmeal is one of the heart’s favourite food and there are many reasons why heart is in love with this food. You can eat oatmeal at the start of your day. A day started with oatmeal breakfast is better than so many other days!
It contains high level of omega 3 fats- the heart seriously admires this sort of fat as it is healthiest from its kind. This food item also contains vitamins and minerals like potassium and folate. The fiber present is oatmeal is also worth eating. These nutrients are important for keeping heart off from the stress and lowering blood cholesterol levels.
2. Salmon
Salmon must be in your diet and must make up, at least, two servings of your meals per week as it can appropriately reduce the risk of heart diseases. If you don’t like salmon much, you can aim for healthy choices like mackerel, tuna, herring and sardines.
Salmon is great for heart as it is enriched with omega 3 fatty acids. It is also great for reduction of blood pressure and avoids blood clotting. It reduces the risk of heart attack by one-third.
3. Avocado Benefits
Avocados can enhance the heart functioning. You can use few of them in sandwiches or salad as it would be great for your heart’s health.
Avocados are dense in mono-unsaturated fats which means that you will have an adequate amount of healthy fats which will improve your heart health.
4. Nuts
Nuts are also great sources of omega 3 fats which mean they are pretty healthy for your heart. Nuts also add variety to diet and can be used as snacks. So, why waste money on unhealthy snacking when you can a perfect option!
Nuts are high in fiber and omega 3 fatty acids. Few of them also contain polyunsaturated and mono-unsaturated fats which are perfectly healthy for the heart and your heart will probably thank you for them. They have healthy minerals and vitamins too.
5. Berries
Berries are lovable and oh, so beautiful too. Heart adores berries and you should have different sorts of berries, whatever you can get your hands on! Just grab it whether its raspberries, strawberries or other berries. However, the best ones are blackberries and blueberries. Add them to salads or consume it as you wish. Heart will be grateful, guaranteed!
Berries have properties like anti-inflammation which makes them ideal for consumption as heart healthy foods. The black and blueberries are great for the health of your heart.
6. Legumes
Legumes are great. The combination of quality minerals along with ultimate taste; legumes are great for the health of your heart. You can have different legumes like chickpeas, lentils, and kidney beans.
Legumes are a great source of multivitamins and fiber. They contain omega 3 fatty acids along with calcium and highly soluble fiber.
7. Flaxseed
Again, a very rich source of different vitamins, omega 3 and fiber! You can add flaxseed to your breakfast cereal and make your breakfast as healthy as it can ever be! It’ll be great for your heart’s health.
Flaxseed contains different and vital omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids which go a long way to the health of your heart. It also contains fiber which is necessary for a healthy heart and it’s productive performance.
A complete guide about ways to keep your heart healthy
Put your guards down when it comes to heart-healthy foods because nothing helps as much as a healthy heart and you will definitely love yourself when U.S’s number one disease won’t even be able to touch you. Food is the most easiest way to gain strength and it is, therefore, recommended to make appropriate diet changes to make sure you have a healthy heart which functions better!