When it comes to how to address wedding invitations, there is no hard and fast rule. However, a properly addressed wedding invite shows your care about your guests. For a properly written with love wedding invitations the first and foremost thing is to make sure to whom you are addressing to. It can be family, couple, friends, parents, kids and vice versa. They all are addressed in a different manner that I shall be explaining in a bit.
But prior to that, let me spell out some crucial things to nail down. Not only addressing but there are also a few wedding invitation etiquette that you shouldn’t overlook.
For example posting your wedding invites is a big task, time management hence is the key. Invites must be posted six to eight weeks ahead the wedding so everybody receives it on time. On top of that, make sure that you have written down the addresses accurately. Do not fail to remember to mention return address on envelope’s back flap. Furthermore, for a hint of style to your wedding invite, hire a skilled calligrapher instead of printing or handwriting yourself. Though, it would be a bit expensive but more professional
(On a side note: Calligrapher might take some extra weeks so organize your time accordingly).
Now back to the proper way to address wedding invitations. The outer envelope is where the address and names should be written formally. While the inner envelope is more for informal addressing.
Also, try to not use abbreviations when writing the addresses. Instead of using P.O.Box or St. use Post office box and Street. Likewise, use full form of the labeled city for a finer look. Moreover, go through my below-referred top picked advices on how to properly address wedding invitations to different family members or friends.
How to Address Wedding Invitations to a Married Couple
For addressing wedding invitations to married couple you need to pen down first and last name on the outer envelope. Middle name is not a must, but if you want it to be more traditional write the full middle name instead of using initial.
If the couple has same last names you should address like so;
Outer Envelope
Mr. John and Mrs. Elizabeth Grey or Mr. and Mrs. John Grey
Inner Envelope
Mr. and Mrs. Grey or John and Elizabeth
On the other hand, if the couple has different last names, you should address like,
Outer Envelope
Mr. John Smith and Mrs. Elizabeth Grey
Inner Envelope
Mr. Smith and Mrs. Grey or John and Elizabeth
How to Address Wedding Invitations to an unmarried Couple
To write a wedding invitation address to an unmarried couple living together you should include both names in separate lines.
Outer Envelope
Mr. John Smith
Ms. Elizabeth Grey
Inner Envelope
Mr. Smith
Ms. Grey
How to Address Wedding Invitations to Gay Couple
The same sex couples are addressed the same way as mentioned above. If the couple is married their names should be written on same lines and for an unmarried couple names should be on parted lines.
Outer Envelope
Ms. Cristina Gilbert and Ms. Elizabeth Grey
Inner Envelope
Ms. Gilbert and Ms. Grey
How to Address Wedding Invitations to Parents
Try to be more informal when writing invites to parents. You may pronounce their full names at the outer envelopes yet the inner envelopes should have the name whatever you call them naturally. Using ‘Mum and Dad’ or ‘Mommy and Daddy’ looks more close and appealing.
How to Address Wedding Invitations to Children and Families
To address a wedding invite to a family that includes their kids as well. It isn’t mandatory to note down all the kid’s names on the outer envelope. Only guardian’s names should be marked there. Inner envelopes is where you must list down the kid’s names.
Outer Envelope
Mr. John and Mrs. Elizabeth Grey
Inner Envelope
Mr. and Mrs. Grey
Ben, Sara, Mr. Daniel and Ms. Rachel
As shown above if the kid is over 18 years you should use Mr. or Ms. with his and her name. Besides that, if an 18 year old is living independently without parents, they should get hands on their own wedding invite which you may title as,
Outer Envelope
Mr. Daniel Grey or Ms. Rachel Grey
Inner Envelope
Mr. Grey or Ms. Grey
How to Address Wedding Invitations with Guest
To write a wedding invite with a guest you shouldn’t write it down on the outer envelope. The inner envelope should have ‘and guest’ written with the name of your guest.
Outer Envelope
Mr. Robert Smith
Inner Envelope
Mr. Robert Smith and Guest
How to Address Wedding Invitations without Inner Envelope
In this day and age pocket invitations are favored over the old way of sending traditional double envelope wedding invitations. Since, it’s easy on the pocket book and couple may picture them according to their requirement using just internet. But the question is how to address a wedding invite that doesn’t include an inner envelope? In such case, the names of married and unmarried couples are written in more of a formal way if they aren’t much close to the bride and groom. (Like shown for outer envelopes). On the contrary, if they are close, the couple may put their names in informally writing. After all a pocket invite acts as an inner envelope.
In like manner, to write wedding invite that includes kids, you should commit to paper their names under the names of their parents. Else, when it comes to write an invite with guest you should drop a line under the name of the person you are addressing to,
Mr. Robert Smith.
(Dear Robert, you are welcome to bring a guest to the wedding. Let me know. Regards, Tanya.)
If you don’t have much space there you may also write as,
Mr. Robert Smith and Guest.
Once your invites are done. Don’t forget to double check everything. Voila! It’s now time to take them to the post office for their final departure.
Wedding planning isn’t a walk in a park. It can be tiresome since you must need to take care of every bit. For a perfect wedding a perfect wedding invite too plays a preeminent role. Make sure to choose it wisely and address it faultlessly.