7 reasons why long distance relationships are good

7 reasons why long distance relationships are good

I’m sure you have heard all sorts of horrendous, long distance relationship stories about how much they are screwed. But if you have an amazing job offer that encourages you to move to another city, you should not have double…

7 Best ways to Propose a Girl

7 Best ways to Propose a Girl

Are you a medical student? Because boy, oh boy! To propose a girl is way more complicated than physics and human anatomy. Let me warn you of what you’re getting yourself into; You’re about to deal with a girls’ hormones,…

6 Weird Reasons for not losing weight!

6 Weird Reasons for not losing weight!

Often dieticians have been tortured with the same question over and over again, sometimes more than 20 times a day, about how to lose weight! At most occasions, the answer is as simple as healthy eating habits and exercise, in…

6 Unique Health Benefits of running in the morning

6 Unique Health Benefits of running in the morning

You might not like running in the morning, just like most of the people don’t do! The reasons are many and even uncountable. Sometimes, you can’t just find any time or you might not even be interested in running after…

6 Signs Your Heart Has Fallen

6 Signs Your Heart Has Fallen

Are you in love? Do you wake up in the middle of the night with an increased heart rate? Do you find it difficult to fall asleep on every night ? Do you feel lost all day long? Is your…

6 Best Ways to Detox your Body Naturally

6 Best Ways to Detox your Body Naturally

Health benefits of detoxification are amazing! There are always talks about how beneficial natural cleansing can be! The concept of easy detoxification relies on its integration into diet and lifestyle. The concept of healthy lifestyle is usually obtained by eating…

6 Beauty Tips for women they need to TRY now!

6 Beauty Tips for women they need to TRY now!

Yes, we believe beauty comes from within, but sometimes it needs a bit of polishing, and these beauty tips for women mentioned below, are meant to do exactly that! Many at times I have seen woman fret over how they…

5 Meaningful Tattoo ideas for Women

5 Meaningful Tattoo ideas for Women

If you’re on this article, you’re probably on the hike for some heartfelt tattoo ideas! I personally love the thought of a tattoo! In fact! I was having a deep conversation with my best friend the other day, and I…

6 tasteful cakes that your children will adore!!

6 tasteful cakes that your children will adore!!

The mere sight of a cake makes kids jump up with glee. Adults too….. actually! However, the very same sight makes most moms panic. Because with cakes, comes high doses of sugars and unsaturated fats which we all know, are…